Just somewhere for me to occasionally write

Journal entries, short stories, rants, pictures, nonsense. See below.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pet Peeves 2.0


#2 Repetitive noises.
#3 Related to #2, random people playing music where I can only hear the bass because it's so loud and I'm in my room, trying to chill, and then I hear this bullshit.
#4 VOICEMAILS! Sweet lord, don't ever leave me a voicemail unless I don't know the number you're calling from, and even then, if you can text, do that instead.
#5 People who drive under the speed limit.
When people BLAME the third party. Blame the c o r r e c t person you twit.
Seeing the movie before reading the book.
Speaking of which, people who drive V.A.N.S.
Clingy-ness. Uh, ew.
People who make a huge deal out of everything.
F a t people who always complain that they're f a t.
Skinny people who always complain that they're f a t.
People who tell me to calm down, chill out, chillax, or any variation of that. If there is a sure-fire way to piss me off, it's that.
Also, People who tell me to *SMILE*. No, eff you.
People who wake me up. I hate being woken up *snarl*
People who live off the system.
People who easily judge or are close-minded.
Being on hold.
Girls who try to walk in heels... and look like idiots.
People, mostly girls, who are always overexcited. Calm down, please.
Related topic: Morning people. Are. Disgusting.

I'll add versions 3.0 when I think of it.


  1. Blaming the third party is making it clear to everyone, including the dumbest inbred of a monkey at the poorest zoo in the third world, that you deserved what you had coming.
