Just somewhere for me to occasionally write

Journal entries, short stories, rants, pictures, nonsense. See below.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Men Vs. Women

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lamb's Head Party

Okay, so I worked at Gotland's nation last night at the Lamb's Head Gasque from 3-midnight and I'm pretty sure I only got paid like...25 dollars. But whatever, it was still really fun. Basically the night consisted of me and some 15 other people serving like 200 guests 2 courses (and drinks).

They actually ate lamb's heads.


Let me tell you, they smell really bad. Also, there's very little meat on them, mostly just the cheek, and if you're "lucky" enough to get a tongue, which not everyone did. The precourse was some weird bread with sauce that had lamb and apple in it. Not a very good dinner if you ask me, but apparently it's a tradition. Anyway, it was formal so everyone was real fancy, but keep in mind this IS a nation and there was very LITTLE in the way of actual food, so with all the drinks everyone got, everyone got real drunk real quick.

What's the big deal, you ask?... well I'll tell you. When Swedish people get together and get drunk this means they do ridiculous things. Such as popping out the eyeballs of unsuspecting lamb's heads and putting them in shots and taking the shots. WITH THE EYEBALL IN IT. Some people got really drunk and didn't realize that the nerve attached to the back of the eye shouldn't actually be consumed, nor the lens of the eye. But that doesn't stop them. Oh no.

Proceed to people dressed in their underwear and then donning horns that make them look like naked sheep. A couple of guys prancing around in lamb loin clothes and horns playing the fiddle. Overall everything just got ridiculous, I can safely say that. Then we cleared the tables and moved them away because there was a live band that night. The after party commenced.

Oh wait, let me rewind for a minute. At the party there was this stuff called "Gotland's Brew". It's some kind of mix between beer and liquor and tasted about as bad as if you would mix the two, at any rate. Well it's illegal everywhere to make it except Gotland (the island) because it's a tradition. Well Gotland's Nation imported a bunch of it to serve to the guests and there was some left over. Wondering why it's illegal?

Well apparently it's a lot more alcoholic than you would think by just tasting it. So you're like oh, well this is pretty gross but it's not that alcoholic. WRONG.

= me really drunk dancing to Miley Cyrus and God only knows what else.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

These are Elves

P.S. Tonight I'm working at Gotlands lamb head party. Yes. People are served lambs head. I'll let you know how it goes later. But, I'm just saying... Lambs head?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Okay, so the first official snowfall of the year occurred yesterday. I got up at 11 am and it was already snowing, and by the looks of it probably started around 9 am. Then it proceeded to snow all day and produced about 6 inches of snow in one day. THE FIRST DAY IT SNOWS IT GIVES ME 6 INCHES OF FAILPOWDER. Honestly, I wouldn't be so bitter except for the fact that when I was your age, I had to bike 3 miles to and 3 miles from school up hill both ways. And the bad part of that isn't the miles I have to go, its the fact that there's SNOW EVERYWHERE and bikes + snow = crashing. Today it melted a little bit but that only means that the snow is less hard and therefore even harder to bike in which means I fell like 8 times to and from school and it took me like 45 minutes to even make it there and back, meaning I was late to class and rather disheveled. And when I was just about home I fell and twisted my left ankle and now it hurts really bad.

Eff this, I'm buying a bus pass, I don't even care.

Oh yea, I started my 2nd quarter classes this week. I'm taking Dog and Cat Nutrition and Dog and Cat Genetics, Health, and Reproduction. I'm really excited about the genetics course because its something I really like to learn about, and maybe even something I would like to pursue career-wise. We shall see.

P.S. I only have 39 days left in Sweden :/

  • While the rest of the world has on average a 7% purebred rate (that is, purebred dogs), Sweden's dog population is roughly 85% purebred.
  • There are no stray dogs in Sweden, but there are stray cats

Sunday, November 7, 2010

International Gasque and Halloween

Okay, I really haven't updated in a while, but life became more about life and less about blogging :P So we'll go back almost a month to the International Gasque that I attended. A gasque is like a fancy dinner party with entertainment and it also had an after-party. There was a 3 course dinner. During the dinner there was this guy who steadily got more drunk and started telling dirty jokes on stage, so that was pretty funny. He was the guy that kept the party going and every 10-15 minutes or so he would interrupt dinner and we would sing a song, sometimes in Swedish, sometimes English, one or two in French and German. There was a song packet so everyone could sing. The Swedes really like to drink and sing.

Speaking of drinking, the dinner was 3 courses, like I said, and throughout it they gave everyone (500 people were at the dinner, it was sold out, lucky me I got a ticket), a "pre-drink", 2 shots of "spirits", two glasses of wine, a beer, a shot of Bailey's, and maybe something else I'm forgetting. I gave away almost everything because that is just vomit waiting to happen. Anyway, the first course was this baby shrimp on bread thing in sauce. I don't really like anything "fishy" so I just ate the bread, though I did try it just to say I did. The main course was SO good, it was salad, cheese potatoes, and ELK! The elk was so good I don't even know what to say. It was served cold and wrapped in a ball and sauce was passed around. I could definitely eat that all day :] The final dish was the desert and I don't even know what it was. Some crunchy cake type thing in "cloud-berry sauce", whatever that is. It was a bit plain but otherwise pretty tasty.

The cool part about this dinner was that they chose the seating usually according to where you're from, so you end up sitting next to some cool people from different places. I sat next to mostly Germans, and then some French guy with crazy hair who was drinking rather a lot and started yelling obscenities in French later on in the dinner. Another cool part was the entertainment after the dinner (and during); there was a drum line (the best part!), acapella group (who later ended up singing Backstreet Boys, it was hilarious), and some other stuff. Anyway, overall the dinner lasted 3 hours and was very fun and very Swedish.

The BAD part about the dinner was that the person to my left never showed up. While I thought this was rather unfortunate, because I'd have liked to meet one more person, it turns out it could get so much worse. By the time the main course arrived, the girl who was sitting diagonally from me (in front of the space that was empty) had a friend come over and sit in the empty space for the remainder of the meal. She was American and VERY VERY annoying. She would not shut her stupid mouth and she was the worst nay-sayer anyone has ever heard of. She hated on the food, she hated on every song, and she hated on every entertainment group that got up. One guy sitting farther down the table told her STFU at one point, which was a nice highlight of the night. But good God, she is the type of person who gives American's a bad name. Argh, she was so annoying.

Anyway, after dinner there was an after party and it was fun. There was a bit of mingling at first and there was a guy making balloon animals for some reason. I got a big heart-hat thing, which I promptly took off after about 10 minutes. There was dancing and general inebriation and I definitely ran into one of my TEACHERS there. He's a fairly young guy, pretty generally good looking Swedish, and he was also very drunk and as it turns out gay. It was SO AWESOME seeing your teacher drunk at some party dancing near you. Epic. Win.

Unfortunately, at about 1.30 AM (it closes at 2), me and my friends ended up getting thrown out for, oh what's the phrase... being "insubordinate". Turns out you can't bring your own alcohol and drink it in the boys bathroom with two other people. Turns out you also can't laugh in the bouncers face and make up wild stories about why you were there in the first place. Turns out I am a total bad ass, at any rate. Anyway, since there was only like 20 minutes left by the time we had been "escorted" off the premises, I think of it more like going out with a bang than being kicked out. Anyway, epic night :]

Moving on to Halloween night. I had mother send me three costumes from home; my furry devil costume, my "Robyn da hood" outfit, and my nerdy glasses and socks. I ended up just borrowing someone on my floor's suspenders and went as a nerd again because it was the warmest and the easiest. We ended up pre-gaming in the kitchen in our corridor and I taught some Swedish boys the ways of Kings. Also we played a round of Asshole. Overall it was really fun, though maybe starting at 6 pm wasn't a wise choice.... At any rate we went to some party, and I forgot my nations card, but luckily I totally know people who know people and Jonas happened to know the owner of the place so we got in for cheap. Apparently the bouncer was being a dick though and I didn't know because they were speaking in Swedish, so when I walked in I smiled real big at him and later realized he probably thought I was being cheeky. Oh well.

Anyway, there were like 200 people there, and I definitely saw Teletubbies, which was mildly disturbing. Though, please note that people in Sweden tend to dress scary rather than slutty which is also a nice change. There's lots of dead and bloody outfits so it's pretty much how Halloween should be. I ended up leaving pretty early though and came home and played Modern Warfare II (badly) and passed out. I'll update more later.