Just somewhere for me to occasionally write

Journal entries, short stories, rants, pictures, nonsense. See below.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

You Can Only Pick Two

Welcome to life.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I Feel so... Dreamy?

No, not in the sense that I've been having a lot of dreams lately, which is irritating, since I want to fill up my dream journal. I just feel, I don't know, wistful might not be the word I'm looking for, but relaxed never-the-less. I've basically been doing my own thing, whatever I want to do for the past 2 weeks. Mainly this means I've been staying in bed reading and eating candy and sandwiches and whatever I want. I don't go out if I don't want, I don't hang out with people if I don't want, and I certainly don't listen to BS if I don't want. It's so relaxing. I've been reading sappy romance novels again (uh ohhh) and it's making me all dreamy like a lovesick teenager. Hence the chocolate and the laziness. I'm such a fatty sloth introvert right now, and its awesommmeeee. :]

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Village in Holland with No Roads

Wouldn't this be awesome!?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big Bang Explosion of Nonsense

Hey there, it's me again, just wanted to give everyone a little update, since I've been posting nonsense as of late. Just so you know, I'm typing on a Swedish keyboard in the library at my school and it's a bit irritating because there are a lot of keys in my way of certain buttons, like ä,ö, and å. Anyway, so today is Tuesday which is my longest school day so I've been dreading it since, well yesterday. I usually don't have too much homework here (or really any at all, except reading articles), just a project in each class that's due sometime later, in a few weeks maybe. But today, since I have both of my classes, I had to read two articles and do some weird stuff on the computer for 3 hours during class. But at least it was DURING class. If I was assigned this in the states they sure as hell would have made me do it outside of class, so at least there's that. Now I'm sitting around waiting for class to start in an hour or so, since I finished my assignment early.

Unfortunately I'm trying to make the food I have at home last until the end of September but as of right now I have 6 eggs, 8 meatballs, 2 chicken breasts, and 2 servings of rice. Oh and 2 servings of pasta, but I ran out of boullion. And no, i don't have any milk or juice or anything else. WAIT, I have 1 lemon. Now tell me how I'm going to make that last for 9 days? Eff, I just realized, as I was color coding my foods, that they're all yellow. Isn't that exactly what I'm NOT supposed to do? Whatever. I at LEAST need to get some bread to fake my stomach into thinking I've eaten something worthwhile. I need to go find some apple or pear trees too... Why don't I just go buy more food, since my dad gives me grocery money, you ask? Well because I ask them for so much money I just feel too bad. So I'd rather starve. And besides, if I lived in Burkina Faso, I wouldn't have nearly as much food as I do now, right? Oh, and I have some whole grain cheerios that I'm surviving on at the present for my lunch, fml. It is especially bad because I have to bike so far to and from school every day that I burn too much energy. How irritating.

OKAY SORRY ENOUGH ABOUT MY EATING HABITS (though to be honest, I could have kept going...). So maybe you're wondering what I've been doing lately! WELL I'LL TELL YOU! I went to Stockholm this past weekend and met up with a woman I've never met, who was there on business for a diabetes convention (long story, but anyway) and I stayed with her in her hotel, the Nordic Sea Hotel. The hotel actually had one of the rare ice bars which they kept at 23 degrees F (-5 degrees C) so people usually came in and left in about 20 minutes because it was so cold. I didn't actually go in because I wasn't in Stockholm to drink Absolut Shooters (ew). We wandered all around the city and into Gamlastan (Old Town) and I bought a shirt that says SWEDEN - probably the best country ever. Yea I know, I'm such a tourist, you don't have to rub it in! We ate at this awesome Swedish place with classic Swedish food, and I got this awesome meal with chicken, beef, and veal with roasted potatoes and they served it with a few sauces and... christ you don't care about this at all don't you? You're thinking, good god why is she talking about food again!? Well fine. Moving on. THEN, we went to the Moderna Museet (Modern Art Museum) and I thought I was being sneaky by taking pictures when no one was looking, but then I found out I was allowed to, as long as didnt have my flash turned on. Fail. Anwyay over the whole Stockholm trip, I took about 150 pictures or so and I was only there for like 30 hours. Took the train to and from Uppsala, it rained, blah blah blah you don't care.

Anyway, the reason I'm practically starving myself (okay, I'm exaggerating) is because my lovely father is helping me out with buying a eurail pass for Sweden/Germany/and either Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) or maybe the Czech Repulic (all these are flag colors btw, if you didn't get it except I made white black instead so you can read it), I can't decide. Anyway, sweet right? I will have absolutely NO money when I get back home but who cares. Mother thinks I'm here for school and when I told her that I absolutely was NOT here for school, she scoffed at me. SCOFFED! Didn't she know this was my 4 month vacation? And besides, if anyone deserves this bloody vacation it's ME and I'll tell you why, because anyone who lives in absolute HELL with a bunch of whores and idiots who can't get above a 0.4 GPA or find their way out of a paper bag deserves a vacation.

Cough, anyway. So on my eurail pass thingy for Germany, I think I'm going there on the 8th-10th of October, not for Oktoberfest like I had previously intended, but for a different festival in Stuttgart which is a little bit cheaper, and I may know someone in Germany that will let me stay with them, thereby cutting down my expenses further. We will see. Anwyay, well I guess I've written enough; until next time my...

Wait wait wait, you should all look up jPod - it's a Canadian TV show that aired in like 2007 or something and only had 13 episodes. Based off some book. Anyway, its funny. Just do it.

Okay bye.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pictures I Would Like to Share with You

Oh Arnold.

Kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty!

What did you just say to me?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Things that are Strangely Satisfying

No you perverted kids, not like that. I'm talking about those weird things you do that instantly give you a sense of "Ah yes, that's just nice." And you're momentarily so proud or excited for that brief moment and it's such a simple or stupid thing you just did... Here's a list of some of those things that I can think of right now.

  1. When you run out of water in your glass but you're too lazy to get up and so you wait for the ice to melt and then there's finally enough to take a small drink.
  2. When you force yourself to bike up a hill until your legs are burning and you're making that terrible face of pain and you're really considering getting off and just walking the rest of the way up but you continue to force yourself to get to the top.
  3. You've put off your laundry for w e e k s and you finally just make yourself do it and you put your empty laundry basket down and all your stuff is clean.
  4. From a guys perspective: When you're have a dream where you have to pee or you're peeing but you can never "complete the job" and then you wake up and finally pee for real. [I didn't know these dreams existed but w/e]
  5. The smell of gasoline :]
  6. Taking your socks off when you really want to but you've been too lazy to do it for a long time.
  7. When your alarm goes off and you're so tired and you really don't want to get up and THEN... you realize it's Saturday (or another reason you don't have to get up).
  8. When you give yourself really stupid checkpoints (If I just write this paragraph, if I can just bike to this street [on a really long bike ride, i.e. like my one to school], if I can just make it up 2 more flights of stairs...) and you finally reach that pointless checkpoint and you feel like the end is so much closer than it was before.
  9. When you've finally managed to train your cat to piss on your enemies.

Pet Peeves 2.0


#2 Repetitive noises.
#3 Related to #2, random people playing music where I can only hear the bass because it's so loud and I'm in my room, trying to chill, and then I hear this bullshit.
#4 VOICEMAILS! Sweet lord, don't ever leave me a voicemail unless I don't know the number you're calling from, and even then, if you can text, do that instead.
#5 People who drive under the speed limit.
When people BLAME the third party. Blame the c o r r e c t person you twit.
Seeing the movie before reading the book.
Speaking of which, people who drive V.A.N.S.
Clingy-ness. Uh, ew.
People who make a huge deal out of everything.
F a t people who always complain that they're f a t.
Skinny people who always complain that they're f a t.
People who tell me to calm down, chill out, chillax, or any variation of that. If there is a sure-fire way to piss me off, it's that.
Also, People who tell me to *SMILE*. No, eff you.
People who wake me up. I hate being woken up *snarl*
People who live off the system.
People who easily judge or are close-minded.
Being on hold.
Girls who try to walk in heels... and look like idiots.
People, mostly girls, who are always overexcited. Calm down, please.
Related topic: Morning people. Are. Disgusting.

I'll add versions 3.0 when I think of it.

Monday, September 13, 2010


If only I was a bird.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Corridor Party!

Hello my favorite followers :] I just made the most DELICIOUS rice/chicken/egg combo EVARRR and if I die right now, from sheer delight, you can't take away my superior cooking skillz.

Sorry about that, I thought it deserved a special acknowledgment. Anyway, tonight marks a very special day: the first corridor party! Everyone once in a while my corridor (which consists of myself and 8 other people) throw a big party for the whole floor and we invite all our friends and whoever we see fit to come and celebrate with us. I don't know exactly what we're celebrating but I for one am going to toast to the sun, because slowly the sun is disappearing from Sweden and we will soon be shrouded in darkness for the majority of the day. I'm cherishing it while it lasts! Plus the weather has been so good here lately its awesome! I'm dreading it getting cold; but at least my wonderful mother is sending me a box of warm clothes, yay!

Next, I joined the culture club at V-dala where we do a bunch of different activities ranging from seeing theater productions, opera, movies, and whatever else we deem fit. Seems pretty cool and I met up with all of them for a pub crawl on Wednesday and they were all very lovely :] At least this way I can force myself to stop being such an introvert and actually make more friends here :P

Speaking of introvert; I took one of those personality-type tests, the one that gives you 4 letters (I or E, for introvert/extrovert, N or S, for intuitive/sensing, T or F, for thinking/feeling, and J or P, for judging/perceiving) and I got INTJ (Mastermind's, as they call them). You can go to http://typelogic.com/intj.html to see my full summary or http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp to take your own test and see which one you are! Mine was VERY accurate in describing me so maybe you'll have the same luck! I'd like to hear what yours is so if you want to leave a comment telling me, that would be awesome :]

More random stuff: I'm building some weird stuff in the corner of my room for decorations, where I made some butterflies out of paper and I'm working on making a tree trunk in the corner of my room [you know, bend some paper so it looks round in the corner, or w/e], and some flowers and grass and w/e else. It's a very bizarre little project and I don't know if I'm actually going to completely follow through with it but it sounds like an interesting idea in my head. I'm thinking about hanging some leaves from my ceiling around the tree so it kind of looks like its from the tree. The butterflies are double winged so they are actually protruding from the walls as well. I'm going for a 3-D effect but I don't know if it's just going to end up looking like a drunk 4 year old taped a bunch of stuff to my wall. Plus we all know I have no patience so I don't know if I will actually end up taking the time to make it the RIGHT way. We shall see.

Also, I have basically already ran out of money so I'm trying to convince my mother to forfeit Christmas this year in favor of her just giving me spending money while I'm in Europe. I mean seriously this is like my 4 month vacation from all the BS that happens in the U.S. to me, so its like a really long extended Christmas anyway :D

Swedish Stuff:
  • Their graveyards are very well taken care of.
  • Swedish people really really really like to sing when they drink. I mean really.
  • Festis is the new Caprisun. I love it. Oh yes, I do. So tasty.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Half Good/Half Bad

Today was off and on a good and bad day; I might explain further in my next post, but I'm about to fall asleep now and I have to be up at 7 am for class. AND tomorrow is Tuesday which is my longest day. Sort of annoying. I just wanted to ask: How is it that I am thousands of miles away and people still try to upset me from home? I know I should just ignore it but...

*shakes head* Forget it :/

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Some Reading and Dreams

First off, I dyed my hair! Looky, looky!

Meanwhile, I am currently reading Bram Stoker's Dracula. I have started to read it a few times but something always came up and I abandoned it. So, I just got past the part I was furthest at, so I'm on like page 150. It's a little slow moving but I appreciate reading such an old book with unfamiliar writing style and word usage. Sometimes, when the author changes the dialect to different people (perhaps old fishermen, which at that time would be born in like 1800) I can't understand but a few words of what they're saying. Here's an excerpt:
"I wouldn't fash masel' about them, miss. Them things be all wore out. Mind, I don't say they never was, but I do say that they wasn't in my time. They all very well for comers and trippers an' the like, but not for a nice young lady like you. Them feet-folks from York and Leeds that be always eatin' cured herrin's an' drinkin' tea and lookin' out to buy cheap jet would creed aught. I wonder masel' who'd be bothered tellin' lies to them - even the newspapers, which is full of fool-talk."

Interesting writing style, and though it is slow moving, it intrigues me so I continue to read. I fancy myself a little better for reading this classic, anyway.

Changing topic rather abruptly, I had a dream that I beat the bloody hell out of Megan Fox the other night, I can't remember why but what a strange thing to dream about at all. She was quite violent in my dream and deserved it, if it makes a difference :D

I have been having many dreams here, maybe due to the massive amount of chocolate I've been eating, though I don't know why I typed that because I don't mean it at all. Many of my dreams have, as usual, been more of the night terror sort, and it makes me wonder how I suppress such bad thoughts and ideas so that they can only come to fruition in my sleep. Usually they are veiled ideas, but always with a sense of impending doom or whatnot.

For example I had a dream that I was on a cell phone and I was talking to someone walking by the ocean, but not on the beach, it was on a grassy area that had stone wall that went down like 5 feet and there was the ocean. There was a ladder that then led into the water, so it was in an area that was I want to say urbanized, but not city-like if that makes sense. For some reason I think I was at a very small airport and had just gotten off a plane. Anyways the point is I was walking along and it was very stormy out and there was a hurricane and I had to be like "hey its uh getting really bad out, I have to get off the phone!" and the water was really churning and it started to rain really hard and the water was insane and somehow I ended up in the water (a very frequent state I find myself in, deep water [huge fear of mine]) and it sucked.

Big fear of mine: water that I can't see the bottom. I have the most dreams about large bodies of water, frequently with sharks. I therefore really don't like the ocean (and lakes, but to a lesser degree) because of several reasons:
  1. I can't see the bottom, therefore I do not know what is below me.
  2. If something ever touched my foot I would cry, I don't care if its a freaking minnow.
  3. Fear of drowning, or being grabbed, or bit, or in some other way pulled down
  4. Mostly, it is the fear of the unknown in general.
  5. I am in another animal(s) territory. This is their world, not mine.
  6. Literally I would rather face a tiger in the jungle than a shark/whale/large fish - at least I can see it coming.
Another random change in topic: I hate fake people. I absolutely abhor the idea of faking my emotions or feelings or actions or whatever. I just don't understand why you would take the time to fake things such as someone pretending to like you or be nice to you or be your friend but in reality, behind your back, they're telling people that they hate you or this and that and it's like, why? Why waste my time and yours? I don't care if you don't like me, you can't please everyone, but just say "Hey, I hate you" and its fine. Cool. Do your thing. But don't waste my time with such fake rubbish. No one likes a faker and a liar. NO ONE.

And finally: More Swedish Observations:
  • Okay, I take it back, everyone here really is blonde and tall and good looking. I mean, okay, not EVERYONE, but a large amount.
  • I have been so much more healthy here than I was at home. I still eat a massive amount of chocolate, and it really doesn't help that the ICA right by my building sells these little chocolate bars 3 for 10SEK. But, I've also been bike A LOT and I've been eating a lot more fruit. Additionally, there's like nothing deep fried here and less preservatives and all that so the food in general is healthier. No fast food since I've been here. Actually now that I think about it, I don't think I've eaten out anywhere at all!
  • People here stay out of your business. It isn't really that they're cold or uncaring it's just that what is your business is just that: YOUR business. Not theirs. If you want to tell them, fine, but drama seems a lot less common (not non-existent, of course).
  • Possibly more girls than guys have tattoos here. Interesting.
Interesting fact: apparently they found a way to extract the color from beet juice without the taste of beets, so they won't have to use pregnant lice to get that red color in food. Amazing.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Denn die Todten reiten schnell." - Lenore

Wednesday, September 1, 2010







Classes have Begun

Hello there, sorry about the last post where I was very upset. I just got out of surgery where they had to amputate one of my arms and one of my legs (due to waking up to sharks in my bed) and replaced them with robotic limbs. Now I am roughly 2/5ths robot. I can crush a man with my pinky finger, which I had them elongate to about 12 inches so I could crush people with it, just to say I can.

Obama is an idiot. I have finally decided.

Moving on, classes have started and I have to bike about 6.5 miles round-trip and since I have class Monday through Friday that means I bike... [does mental calculation, brain hurts, busts out calculator instead] 32.5 miles a week. That is about 32.5 miles per week more than I've ever ridden so my GLUTEUS MAXIMUS and my THIGHS hurt pretty bad already.

It's rainy season here too so it's rather wet a lot and frequently rains on me out of nowhere for a short period of time and then stops; mother natures own personal joke on me I'm sure. *Stomps on flower* --- NOW HOW DO YOU FEEL?!

What else... my bike is FINALLY fixed, so the chain isn't falling off anymore. Also I'm going to join a nation today. And I'm getting sim card tonight so I will put some money on my card tomorrow and actually have a usable phone by tomorrow! How exciting!

[Brain wanders elsewhere - I hope I don't develop thunder thighs after being here...]