Just somewhere for me to occasionally write

Journal entries, short stories, rants, pictures, nonsense. See below.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Some Reading and Dreams

First off, I dyed my hair! Looky, looky!

Meanwhile, I am currently reading Bram Stoker's Dracula. I have started to read it a few times but something always came up and I abandoned it. So, I just got past the part I was furthest at, so I'm on like page 150. It's a little slow moving but I appreciate reading such an old book with unfamiliar writing style and word usage. Sometimes, when the author changes the dialect to different people (perhaps old fishermen, which at that time would be born in like 1800) I can't understand but a few words of what they're saying. Here's an excerpt:
"I wouldn't fash masel' about them, miss. Them things be all wore out. Mind, I don't say they never was, but I do say that they wasn't in my time. They all very well for comers and trippers an' the like, but not for a nice young lady like you. Them feet-folks from York and Leeds that be always eatin' cured herrin's an' drinkin' tea and lookin' out to buy cheap jet would creed aught. I wonder masel' who'd be bothered tellin' lies to them - even the newspapers, which is full of fool-talk."

Interesting writing style, and though it is slow moving, it intrigues me so I continue to read. I fancy myself a little better for reading this classic, anyway.

Changing topic rather abruptly, I had a dream that I beat the bloody hell out of Megan Fox the other night, I can't remember why but what a strange thing to dream about at all. She was quite violent in my dream and deserved it, if it makes a difference :D

I have been having many dreams here, maybe due to the massive amount of chocolate I've been eating, though I don't know why I typed that because I don't mean it at all. Many of my dreams have, as usual, been more of the night terror sort, and it makes me wonder how I suppress such bad thoughts and ideas so that they can only come to fruition in my sleep. Usually they are veiled ideas, but always with a sense of impending doom or whatnot.

For example I had a dream that I was on a cell phone and I was talking to someone walking by the ocean, but not on the beach, it was on a grassy area that had stone wall that went down like 5 feet and there was the ocean. There was a ladder that then led into the water, so it was in an area that was I want to say urbanized, but not city-like if that makes sense. For some reason I think I was at a very small airport and had just gotten off a plane. Anyways the point is I was walking along and it was very stormy out and there was a hurricane and I had to be like "hey its uh getting really bad out, I have to get off the phone!" and the water was really churning and it started to rain really hard and the water was insane and somehow I ended up in the water (a very frequent state I find myself in, deep water [huge fear of mine]) and it sucked.

Big fear of mine: water that I can't see the bottom. I have the most dreams about large bodies of water, frequently with sharks. I therefore really don't like the ocean (and lakes, but to a lesser degree) because of several reasons:
  1. I can't see the bottom, therefore I do not know what is below me.
  2. If something ever touched my foot I would cry, I don't care if its a freaking minnow.
  3. Fear of drowning, or being grabbed, or bit, or in some other way pulled down
  4. Mostly, it is the fear of the unknown in general.
  5. I am in another animal(s) territory. This is their world, not mine.
  6. Literally I would rather face a tiger in the jungle than a shark/whale/large fish - at least I can see it coming.
Another random change in topic: I hate fake people. I absolutely abhor the idea of faking my emotions or feelings or actions or whatever. I just don't understand why you would take the time to fake things such as someone pretending to like you or be nice to you or be your friend but in reality, behind your back, they're telling people that they hate you or this and that and it's like, why? Why waste my time and yours? I don't care if you don't like me, you can't please everyone, but just say "Hey, I hate you" and its fine. Cool. Do your thing. But don't waste my time with such fake rubbish. No one likes a faker and a liar. NO ONE.

And finally: More Swedish Observations:
  • Okay, I take it back, everyone here really is blonde and tall and good looking. I mean, okay, not EVERYONE, but a large amount.
  • I have been so much more healthy here than I was at home. I still eat a massive amount of chocolate, and it really doesn't help that the ICA right by my building sells these little chocolate bars 3 for 10SEK. But, I've also been bike A LOT and I've been eating a lot more fruit. Additionally, there's like nothing deep fried here and less preservatives and all that so the food in general is healthier. No fast food since I've been here. Actually now that I think about it, I don't think I've eaten out anywhere at all!
  • People here stay out of your business. It isn't really that they're cold or uncaring it's just that what is your business is just that: YOUR business. Not theirs. If you want to tell them, fine, but drama seems a lot less common (not non-existent, of course).
  • Possibly more girls than guys have tattoos here. Interesting.
Interesting fact: apparently they found a way to extract the color from beet juice without the taste of beets, so they won't have to use pregnant lice to get that red color in food. Amazing.

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