Just somewhere for me to occasionally write

Journal entries, short stories, rants, pictures, nonsense. See below.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Okay, I'll admit it; I'm totally PMSing and I'm about to bitch because I feel terrible right now. My tummy hurts and I'm pretty sure some invisible creature keeps punching me in the stomach repeatedly when I'm not paying attention. Also my back hurts (could be because I played a computer game for 16 hours straight...) and my neck hurts. I don't feel good. Also I made terrible rice for dinner. I threw it away.

But that's not what I'm going to complain about, er, well mainly anyway. All I want to know is, what's with people who are always in a good mood? I don't mean people that are USUALLY in a good mood. I mean people who are ALWAYS in a good mood. They never have anything bad to say ever about anyone or anything and they love the world and blah blah blah. I just don't understand it. I literally cannot fathom it. I can sooner understand special relativity and all the weird stuff that goes on with that.

Also, why do people get really terrible tattoos on their necks or faces? Or chests... or anywhere for that matter. I mean do you really want a clover leaf on your bicep forever? Or a really terribly rendered American flag on your chest?

And what about good looking guys that are too short to be good looking? I mean seriously, you have a cute face and maybe I'd be interested if you were sitting down when I met you so I had no idea... but like, just quit it. You're not allowed to exist. I'm sorry.

I'm not really sorry.

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