Just somewhere for me to occasionally write

Journal entries, short stories, rants, pictures, nonsense. See below.

Monday, October 4, 2010


So I finally rolled out of bed after a whole three weeks of basically doing nothing, unless you count Stockholm two weeks ago. I mean I've done a few things here and there but for the most part I have secluded myself to my room and refused to come out. I've mostly been reading or playing games or eating. Or doing nothing. Sleeping? I don't know.

Anyway, so yesterday I went hiking with a club I'm in, Culture Club for my nation (V-dala). We took a bus out of Uppsala only about 20 minutes and then started on our way. I took about 80 pictures. Don't worry, we hiked 19 kilometers. 19! That's equal to about 12 miles. And this means that we didn't just walk it, we went through the bloody forest and all sorts of stuff. The bus back took twice as long, about 40 minutes. So I was basically gone all day and my legs and feet are pretty sore. But I made some new friends and I'm really glad I got out of bed. Of course, when I woke up in the morning before we left I had tried to convince myself to not go, because that's what I do in the mornings, try to convince myself that getting up isn't worth it and i should just go back to bed because I am totally not a morning person. This is exactly what I do when I have to get up to school. It's especially bad because my school is so far away and my lectures are usually online so really there's not a lot of incentive for me to get up and go, although I know I really should. I can't believe I actually got up today for school with my legs hurting like they do. Luckily riding a bike doesn't really use the same muscles as when you're hiking so it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

I actually technically had to come to class today because we're going to some farm today from 1-3, and I'm writing this during my lunch hour because I don't have much food left to eat so I'm scrounging. I ate a pear, and lovely, lovely Jonas got me some chocolate as a gift which I found in the fridge this morning with a little bow on it, bless him :P Plus I think I've been eating a lot more because I have been so lazy so when I'm bored I eat. This needs to stop, because while my legs and my butt are looking mighty fine (lol), I may just be gaining a bit of weight in my tummy area. Likely I am just being paranoid, but I haven't actually weighed myself since I've been here so I wouldn't know either way now would I? Anyways I don't have much more to say, except that I'm going to Germany this weekend, so I'll let you know how it goes. Puss Puss (kiss kiss, if you'll believe it).

later: I went to the farm, it was a poultry facility and they cram 8 birds into these small little cages. It made me a bit ill.

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